Making the perfect shots of espresso coffee is a serious craft. To create only one cup of espresso, a barista has to be a bit of a sciencentist and a bit of a passionate artist. In the following text, we are going to discuss how you can make a magic shot of espresso at the […]

A Barista’s Diary: A Dinner in London
This week’s diary post is dedicated to a dinner one of our baristas and gastronome John, experienced when he was visiting London.

Barra Presents: The World’s Healthiest Smoothie?
Imagine the two most potent antioxidants. Now imagine drinking them in one sip. The first one, as we all know, is Matcha, but the second one 一 blueberry 一 needs no introduction.
Is Sugar Your Friend or Foe?
We all know a lot about food but little about the food choices that affect the nation’s health. Researchers have begun to devise experiments to find out why we choose a chocolate bar over an apple – and whether ‘swaps’ and ‘nudges’ are effective.
We Eat with Our Eyes First: Food Decoration Trends
Food isn’t about just how it tastes anymore. Now, more than ever, the looks can make or break a venerable dish. What makes one plate more appetizing than another? Here’s what.
If it wasn’t for the coffee, I’d have no identifiable personality whatsoever.
David Letterman
A Barista’s Diary: Sunday Outdoor Cooking
“If you have read one of my posts, you probably know that I am a foodaholic and that I love preparing delicious dishes (besides working in Barra, of course!). Outdoor barbecues are my specialty, especially on a Sunday afternoon. A week ago, I invited a couple of friends on a spectacular chicken barbecue recipe with […]
The Perfect Way to Start Your Day: Avocado Toast
Some foods are so simple, so easy, that they don’t even seem worth talking about. Such as avocado toast, for example, a healthy version of a rich buttered toast.
Everything You Need to Know About Honey
Honey is a good source of glucose and fructose. It is produced by bees from the nectar obtained from various flowers. Bees go from flower to flower collecting nectar which is a solution of water, sucrose, glucose and fructose.
Even a bad cup of coffee is better than no coffee at all.
David Lynch
Locally Brewed Craft Beer Kabinet 一 20% off
Today, we are introducing and offering the whole range of locally made craft beers at 20% off. So why wait, huh? Come on down to our place and have a taste of freedom after those long hours in the office. Kabinet beers are produced in the sunny hills of central Serbia.
A Barista’s Diary: Breakfast in a Parisian Bakery
“The best croissant and bread I found was lurking inside an artisanal bakery. I stalked the streets of Paris 一 so romantic! 一 in search of the holy grail of bread and here it was: The Poilâne Bread! But it was riddled with controversy and drama, as all good French bread should be.